喜报| Fastrain荣获 "最佳持续扩展供应奖"


Fastrain is Awarded with "BEST Business Continuity & Expansion Plan AWARD"

Fastrain was recently presented with the “BEST Business Continuity & Expansion Plan AWARD” at the 2024 Global Supplier Excellence Award of Coherent Corp., a global leader in materials, networking, and lasers.

Coherent Global Supplier Awards are given in recognition of a supplier’s excellence in collaborating with Coherent to achieve the highest levels of performance, innovation, and service. Only the highest-achieving suppliers are awarded this honor.



喜报| Fastrain荣获 "最佳持续扩展供应奖"

Fastrain最近在材料、网络和激光领域的全球领导者Coherent Corp.举办的2024年全球卓越供应商奖上被授予 "最佳持续扩展供应奖"。

Coherent Corp.全球卓越供应商奖旨在表彰在与 Coherent Corp.合作以实现最高水平的性能、创新和服务方面表现卓越的供应商。只有表现最出色的供应商才能获此殊荣。


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